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(n.) manipulated from above by strings attached to its jointed limbs

I’m working with media 24/7. It defines the way I see the world. And conditions my behaviour. I’m fascinated with the media, but at the same time I’m scared to death, knowing the things they’re capable of doing. I often approach the media like I approach life. I already believe I’m right, still I’m just looking for confirmation. Although I know modern mass media exist to sway our opinions, influence and control our behavior and destroy our critical thinking skills. I’m researching the way we are subjected to deceptive information which we consciously accept as truth and images or sounds which we subconsciously allow to dictate our perception of ourselves and others.Mass media are the sole influence on our society, every generation included. Whether eighty years old, thirty years old or ten years old, they have culturally conditioned and left the majority of us in a state of hypnosis. 

Do we create the media or are mass media shaping the way we see life?

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